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Summer solstice!

The summer has officially arrived and we are enjoying the sun shining in all its glory. Strawberries are at their best and pubs have their beer gardens full. Festival goers have their tents up and countryside walks are the perfect refreshing option for those hot summer evenings. Beaches are full and paddle boards and kayaks are already on the water. We are all celebrating the summer solstice here!

It is the perfect occasion for looking into ornate bespoke art frames to bring the summer indoors as well. Classic ornate frames are traditionally finished with gilded gold leaf but a more contemporary twist can be achieved by painting them in solid colours like white, black, pink, neon green or whatever finish matches best your interior designs.

Do not be scared of ornate or highly decorated picture framing and transform it into a colourful diva style mirror feature or the perfect partner for a contemporary print.

Happy summer solstice everyone!


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